​UNITED KINGDOM: Helios and Voltaria form BESS investment platform

Helios Energy Investments is understood to have formed a new UK battery storage development and investment platform alongside London-based developer Voltaria.

The pair in late November established a JV which is owned on a 90%-10% basis in favour of the Israeli fund manager, according to filings.

The platform – known as Voltaria Helios Energy Storage – is understood to be taking aim at the development of multiple BESS projects across the UK, and is believed to be starting with an initial 49.9 MW ready-to-build asset in Birmingham.

Renewables Infrastructure Capital-backed Voltaria in February 2024 secured planning consent for the project from Birmingham City Council.

The scheme is set to be built in place of existing commercial buildings on New Summer Street, just to the north of the city centre.

Voltaria has also been given an early 2025 predicted grid connection date for the project, according to data published by the local grid operator.

Voltaria and Helios were contacted for comment.

*This story was originally published exclusively for NPM Europe subscribers.

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