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INTERVIEW: Chaberton Energy CEO on the firm's rapidly expanding pipeline
Maryland-based solar developer Charberton Energy, a relative newcomer to the market, is already developing a pipeline of over 200 MW with plans to “more than double” that number next year.
Nevada legislature passes tax credits for utility-scale storage projects
In a move that could significantly drive battery storage origination opportunities in Nevada, the state officially passed legislation that would expand its Renewable Energy Tax Abatement program to utility-scale storage projects.
Warren Buffett touts Klamath Dam removal MOU
PacifiCorp, Klamath River Renewable Corporation, Yurok and Karuk Tribal leaders, and the governors of Oregon and California signed a memorandum this week calling for the removal of the Klamath Dam, the largest hydroelectric removal project in history.
INTERVIEW: CAISO's first woman Chair on preventing future blackouts, centralized grids and the task of going 100 percent
As a part of the initial team that founded the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), Angelina Galiteva was a natural fit to join the CAISO Board of Governors in 2011, later going on to help build the Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM).